The generous donations from our local community enable us to help these disadvantage children in care. We appreciate any contribution however small.
If you wish to donate, there are a few ways to do so…
Bank Transfer
Make A Smile
Av. Madrid, 12
03710 Calpe
ES28 3045 2664 3127 2000 4924
Cash Donations
If you wish to give a cash donation, we are happy accept this in either The Bed Centre in Calpe or Amigos de Make a Smile in Teulada. At both locations we will issue you with a receipt.
Carrefour or Zara / Lefties vouchers are a great help as they allow the carers to purchase school supplies, clothes and any other necessity for the children.
Amazon e-vouchers. Not only are these used to buy Christmas and Birthday presents, but also other items that the carers may need urgently but don’t have time to go out and get them.
To purchase an Amazone e-voucher, click on the button and add the email
By Paypal
Click on the button.